Absolutely in the Rearview Mirror

Here’s a new award for you:  Jeffee’s Excellent English Speaker (s)Hero  (“JEESH”) award.   Although it’s pretty clear what it takes to win this award (unlike an Oscar, for example) but to give you an idea of bad word use that will absolutely disqualify a speaker for consideration, here’s a good example:  “absolutely” as the response to a question where “yes” would be the appropriate answer.   This rampant absolutely use is annoying because — if you think about it — there are very few things in life where “absolutely” is really proper as a response.  It just sounds stupid unless you are expressing the answer to a problem in mathematics  and/or Newtonian physics.   Everyone knows that if you try to fly out the window, your body will obey the laws of gravity and fall to the ground.  Absolutely, without question.  So, why do so many English speakers, when answering a question about good restaurants, the actions of the Federal Reserve, or reasons for teenage pregnancies, etc., feel inclined to respond with “absolutely!”  Mind you, these same responders probably spent 15 minutes that morning looking for their car keys or got to work and found they left their wallet/glasses/Ipod ear buds in their other jacket.

My own theory is that, for some, particularly those of the “talking heads” persuasion, four syllables carry more credibility than the one lonely syllable in “yes.”  If you need a little emphasis and live here in Texas, of course, all you need is one more syllable with a, “Hell, yes!!!” But those folks who inhabit our televisions and radios throw around these four syllable affirmatives as if they were throwing beads off a mardi gras float.

Aside from actual mathematicians and physicists like Stephen Hawking, few individuals merit a pass to use “absolutely,” in my books.  One is Zbignew Brezenski (former National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter) who earned his absolutely credentials on the Morning Joe program with a burst of breathtaking certitude.  In reference to Joe Scarborough’s comment about the Bush administration’s lack of blame for anything on the Gaza strip, Brezenski replied:  “You know, you have such a stunningly superficial knowledge of what went on that it’s almost embarrassing to listen to you.”   I still can’t decide which part of that sentence was more lethal, “stunningly superficial knowledge” or “it’s almost embarrassing to listen to you.”  Either on their own would have been enough, but taken together,  I still marvel that Joe’s head didn’t blow up!!

And Oscar Wilde, were he alive, might be allowed an absolutely here and there.  Even Ziggy Brezenski would admire Wilde’s assuredness:  “The longer I live, the more I see that I am never wrong about anything, and that all the pains that I have so humbly taken to verify my notions have only wasted my time.”

But most of us should resist the urge to be “absolutely” sure about too many things. For example, you might say you will absolutely never kill another living thing (or at least nothing bigger than a cockroach).  But, what about the situation where lifting the cover of the toilet bowl brings you face to face with a wet, beady-eyed rat?  And when you put on gloves and try to pick it up to take outside and it bites you?  If you listened to NPR’s This American Life last Sunday at http://www.thisamericanlife.org/  you would understand how short the path is between an absolute pacifist and cold-blooded killer.   I’ll  bet you that prior to his rat experience, the guy in that radio story would have affirmed to the world at large, “I absolutely will never kill anything in my toilet bowl.”  But, all the same, he became the Toilet Bowl Rat Killer!

The good news is that I’m hearing “absolutely” a lot less these days.  Maybe with our economic woes, it felt wasteful to use so many syllables.  Or maybe those heads have begun to realize how you can paint yourself into a corner with “absolutely” and, oh by the way, we now know we really didn’t know as much as we thought we did.  So, nowadays I am hearing a more back-to-basics affirmation, a simple, but effective, “yes.”

Now that you have an idea concerning standards for the Jeesh awards please forward me your nominee for consideration, or, stay tuned to hear about the candidates of my choosing.   Is this going to be fun or what?!  Did I hear an absolutely???!!

About nowandthenadays

Observer of life who writes about Austin, women's issues, history, and politics. I worked in the Texas Legislature for 9 years, moved to the State Comptroller's Office where I worked for 9 years, then went to work as an Assistant Attorney General after graduating from UT Law, for more than 20 years. Since retirement in May, 2013, I've identified myself as a writer, a caretaker, widow, grandmother, pandemic survivor, and finder of true love.
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8 Responses to Absolutely in the Rearview Mirror

  1. Ruthie says:

    Oh my gosh! I absolutely loved your blog. 🙂 Lol


  2. Dax says:

    I blame vodka. Absolut vodka.

    I hate the phrase “Cool Beans”. There’s one co worker of mine, she uses it all the time, I hate it more than I hate most things. It’s not cool, what do beans have to do with anything, what does cool beans mean?


    • Great theory!!! I’ve heard that people wait breathlessly for the next Absolut ad. And yes, “cool beans” is irritatingly odd. Beans are so bland to begin with, unless they are heated and spiced. Cool beans should be ignored altogether. But never, and I mean never, put beans, warm or cool, in chili.


  3. Thanks, Mike. The good thing is that just about any wine pairs well with this blog. I had a whole blog coming up on “hopefully”…..or at least half a one. Unfortunately, I have little hope that hopefully to mean “I hope” instead of a verb modifier can be eradicated.


  4. Mike says:

    Here’s a couple of my pet peeves, absolutely some of the worst usage errors: “hopefully” when used incorrectly to describe whether something happens rather than how it happens; and following the verb “comprise” with “of.”

    Examples: “Hopefully, he entered the room” means he entered the room with a hopeful attitude, not that we hope he entered. And “The United States comprises 50 states” is correct while “The United States is comprised of 50 states” most certainly is not.

    And, as I have had some wine with dinner and it is getting late, with these words of wisdom I will bid you good night. Hasta luego.


  5. Christine M says:

    I feel the same way about “No problem.” in response to “Thank you.”


    • Yes, that has multiplied like bunnies. Another thing: when someone offers, “Can I help you with that?” and the offeree replies “That’s okay,” what does that mean? Okay to help or okay not to help? That leaves the nice offerer at the mercy of tone of voice and body language.

