
Observer of life who writes about Austin, women’s issues, history, politics, and virtually anything I feel might interest others. I worked in Texas government for almost 40 years (Legislature, Comptroller’s Office, and Texas Attorney General’s Office).  I’m a lifelong Austinite who graduated from UT undergrad and UT Law.  Since retirement in May, 2013, I’ve identified myself as a writer, a caretaker, widow, grandmother, pandemic survivor, and finder of true love.

4 Responses to About

  1. aylogogo77 says:

    Hello Jefee, I am writing a book about exploring Austin on foot,, that includes a fair amount of Austin history. May I share the photo of Zelma/Bicycle Annie and use some of her story that you wrote, in my book? I would credit you for using it, of course


  2. Craig Murpnhy says:

    Thank you for your kind and thoughtful comments on my grandmother Ruby Lee Cook. She was a great source of inspiration for all of us and managed to maintain a positive attitude until the end of her life. One of the things not mentioned in the obituary was how she lived her last day on earth. On October 1st, she played checkers, ate a piece of pie, read parts of the Sunday paper out loud, went to bed, and didn’t wake up. Not a bad way to go.
    It is assumed that a person’s obituary is read by those who knew the deceased, so it is nice to know that her well-spent life left an impression upon someone who didn’t even know her.


    • Craig, Thank you for writing me and telling me about Ruby’s last day. I would have loved to have known your grandmother, and I assure you, I am not the only one who looks through the obituaries to revel in the lives of people we find interesting or inspiring. She was certainly one of those! Jeffee

